Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Using trophies to improve business performance

With the economy looking challenging for the next few years it is imperative that businesses ensure their most valuable asset is generating great returns. In most businesses, employees are the most important factor in generating sales and producing quality service and products. Having a highly engaged workforce is thus paramount to success, a disengaged workforce can be extremely costly. Trophies and plaques are a great way to boost engagement levels in the workforce. Having a recognition programme boost engagement through three components; a performance based culture, a teamwork based culture, and through employee respect and appreciation.

Creating a performance culture is all about about settings goals and targets for your teams to achieve. Trophies and plaques are a great way to motivate and reward teams for meeting targets. Is is best to have a regular programme, at least monthly, to ensure regular breaking larger goals into smaller sizable chunks. Such a programme could have regular trophy presentations for meeting monthly targets, and a larger overall trophy for meeting end of year targets. Alternatively you could maintain one large plaque on the wall which has the goal divided into monthly targets. Each month this can be updated with achievements and winners names.

Teamwork is another important aspect which is closely related to performance culture. Presenting awards, trophies or plaques to teams as well as individuals can improve morale and boost cooperation within teams to achieve common goals. Another method is to have a large trophy or plaque for each team, and each team nominates an individual each month to recieve the team member of the month award. This can motivate other team members and essentially create a performance culture within a specific team, this can then spread through the rest of the company.

Lastly recogniton and respect for employees can boost business performance. We all like to be recognised and to feel we make a difference. Receiving trophies or plaques is one way to formally thank and recognise employees for a job well done. By reinforcing these behaviours you ensure that poeple are more likely to keep giving their best in the future, as we all strive for more reinforcement. Outstanding individual performance can help teams meet targets, which will boost team morale which can then lead to a performance culture throughout the whole organisation.

As you can see these three factors are all interlinked. The great thing about trophies and plaques is that they will affect all three factors in one go. A once monthly presentation of trophies and plaques is enough to boost performance, teamwork and employee wellbeing. With this in mind it is easy to see how an employee recognition programme is an essential investment to make in ensuring a productive and engaged workforce. Visit Xpress Awards for some professional corporate trophy and plaque designs.

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